2016-10-17 - Dawn Patrol Long Run

^z 29th March 2023 at 7:06pm

~20.0 miles @ ~13.8 min/mi

"It looks like the edge of the world!" says Kristin, as fog shrouds the Potomac. After briefly debating the route we cross the Woodrow Wilson Bridge from Virginia, touch the southern point of DC and loop through National Harbor in Maryland, pausing for photos at statues and scenery. It's an awesome-cool adventure, a last long trek for Drs Kerry and Kristin before the Marine Corps Marathon.

Sunrise is a golden gift, cirrus clouds creamy pastel pink. Jets rumble and morning commuter traffic roars. A small pack of Australians greet us as they pass. The Capital Wheel reflects in the river.

"I'm here!" — a personal mantra, shared. Important to remember: we're all here for each other. Always.

At mile 13 somebody notes that, unlike years past when there was a rush within a mile or two, "Now I just don't feel that runner's high any more." The reply: "Hmmmm ... maybe you don't notice it because now you're always feeling it?"

On the way to the showers afterwards, meet Al Manning. Last week he finished a Quintuple Ironman, swimming 12 miles, cycling 560, running 131. Bow down and tell him, "I am not worthy!" He kindly awards a fist-bump anyway ...

(trackfile) - ^z - 2016-11-14